University of Utah


Pregnant with COVID? The Long-Term Risks You Need to Know

About 10% of those pregnant during COVID-19 may face long-term symptoms like fatigue, with risk factors including anxiety and obesity.…

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Scientists Discover Unexpected Importance of “Time Cells” for Complex Learning

Researchers at the University of Utah Health have discovered that “time cells” in mice are crucial for learning tasks where…

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Remarkable New Dinosaur Unearthed in the Ancient Swamps of Montana

Reconstruction of Lokiceratops in the 78-million-year-old swamps of northern Montana, as two Probrachylophosaurus move past in the background. Credit: Fabrizio…

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A 200-Million-Year Journey to Oxygenation

Studies of marine shales and isotopic data from the Great Oxidation Event period reveal dynamic oxygen fluctuations in Earth’s early…

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