

Scientists Develop Efficient 2D Device for Quantum Cooling

EPFL researchers have created a groundbreaking device that operates efficiently at millikelvin temperatures required for quantum computing, potentially revolutionizing cooling…

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Unlocking New Dimensions of Quantum Communication

Figure 1. The signal photon, manipulated by the integrated photonic circuit, creates a 4D qudit represented by the set of…

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Quantum Riddle Solved? How Solid Neon Qubits Could Change Computing Forever

New research investigates the electron-on-solid-neon qubit, revealing that small bumps on solid neon surfaces create stable quantum states, enabling precise…

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MIT’s Diamond Qubits Redefine the Future of Quantum Computing

Researchers developed a modular fabrication process to produce a quantum-system-on-chip that integrates an array of artificial atom qubits onto a…

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Powering the Quantum Internet of the Future

By Leah Burrows, Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences June 23, 2024 The device uses a…

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Fourier Transform: Quantum Noise’s Newest Nemesis

Researchers have developed a new method to better understand and mitigate quantum noise, which disrupts the operation of qubits. This…

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New Dimensions in Quantum Computing: Majorana Particles Go 2D

Researchers at QuTech have created Majorana particles in a two-dimensional plane by developing devices that utilize superconductors and semiconductors, allowing…

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From Common White Powder to Quantum Innovation: Unlocking Nearly Noiseless Qubits

By Sarah C.P. Williams, University of Chicago June 15, 2024 Researchers led by UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering Professor…

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Femtosecond Lasers Spearhead the Quantum Computing Revolution

Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have developed a method using a femtosecond laser and hydrogen doping to create and…

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Quantum Breakthroughs Powered by Silicon Carbide

By U.S. Department of Energy June 14, 2024 Artist’s representation of the formation pathway of vacancy complexes for spin-based qubits…

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