

Scientists Develop Efficient 2D Device for Quantum Cooling

EPFL researchers have created a groundbreaking device that operates efficiently at millikelvin temperatures required for quantum computing, potentially revolutionizing cooling…

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Laser Precision Unveils Semiconductor Secrets of Single Atoms

Michigan State University combined terahertz laser light, shown as a red wavy arrow, with a scanning tunneling microscope, or STM,…

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How Phononic Crystals are Shaping Quantum Computing

A new genetic algorithm enables precise design of phononic crystal nanostructures for improved quantum computing and communication, as confirmed by…

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Scientists Discover New Way To Effectively Treat Cancer

A breakthrough treatment uses nutrient-based nanomedicine to reactivate dormant metabolic pathways in cancer cells, effectively stopping melanoma growth. This new…

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The Key to Advanced Electronics

A new method using rotaxane structures to cross-link graphene layers enhances the flexibility, strength, and conductivity of graphene films, with…

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MIT Physicists Forge a Five-Lane Quantum Superhighway for Electrons

By Elizabeth A. Thomson, MIT Materials Research Laboratory June 28, 2024 Artist’s rendition of a newly discovered superhighway for electrons…

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Ultrafast Light Unlocks New Properties in Low-Dimensional Materials

Recent studies within the Dynacom framework have shown that low-dimensional materials, composed of atomically thick layered tubes, display new properties.…

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TiS3 Nanoribbons Become Superconductors Under Pressure

Researchers have discovered that applying pressure to nanoribbons of titanium and sulfur (TiS3) transforms them from insulators to superconductors that…

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Incredible New Technique Measures Forces As Small as a Virus With Unprecedented Precision

Super-resolved photonic force microscopy for detecting ultra-weak interaction forces between nanoparticles and surfaces. Credit: Lei Ding A collaborative research team…

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Scientists Forge the World’s Thinnest Metallic Wire From Copper and Carbon Atoms

Researchers at EPFL identified potential unidimensional nanomaterials, including what could be the thinnest metallic wire, using computational methods to study…

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