

Dartboard or Doughnut? Iron Meteorites Reveal Shape of Our Infant Solar System

The formation of our solar system involved the accretion of gas and dust into a protoplanetary disk, with meteorites providing…

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Mars Quakes Reveal Daily Meteor Bombardments on the Red Planet

First meteoroid impact detected by NASA’s InSight mission; the image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter using its High-Resolution…

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How NASA InSight’s Seismic Data Is Rewriting Martian History

Recent findings from the InSight mission reveal that Mars experiences 280 to 360 significant meteorite impacts annually, far exceeding previous…

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Tracing Planetary Shifts That Formed the Moon

Researchers have provided evidence suggesting that the repositioning of the Solar System’s giant planets between 60-100 million years after its…

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Decoding the Red Planet’s Structure: Insights From Martian Meteorites

Scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography have analyzed Martian meteorites, providing insights into Mars’ mantle and crust structure. These…

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