Johns Hopkins University


Discovering Hidden Cosmic Chemistry on a Nearby Exoplanet

Concept art of HD 189733 b, the closest transiting hot Jupiter to Earth. Credit: Roberto Molar Candanosa/Johns Hopkins University Researchers…

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Johns Hopkins Unmasks Hazardous Chemicals in Biosolid Fertilizers

Johns Hopkins researchers found that biosolid fertilizers contain potentially harmful chemicals, suggesting a need for regulatory review and risk assessments.…

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Scientists Uncover First Building Block in Super-Earth Formation

Researchers have shown through high-energy laser experiments that magnesium oxide is likely the first mineral to solidify in super-Earth formation,…

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Webb Does the “Impossible” – Space Telescope Captures First Glimpse of an Exoplanet’s Interior

An artist’s concept of WASP-107 b shows turbulent atmospheric mixing within the planet’s gas envelope. Credit: Roberto Molar Candanosa/Johns Hopkins…

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Webb Telescope Captures Massive Asteroid Collision in Neighboring Star System

Astronomers observed a giant asteroid collision in Beta Pictoris, using data from the Webb and Spitzer telescopes. The event, occurring…

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Johns Hopkins Scientists Discover Unusual New Hero in Evolution

Recent findings by Johns Hopkins University reveal that prehistoric worms played a crucial role in boosting oxygen levels through sediment…

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Revolutionary New Pest Control Tool Discovered by Johns Hopkins

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University discovered that an enzyme from fruit fly testes, previously thought to be involved in thyroid…

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‘Weird’ New Planet Defies Expectations

Artist’s concept of TIC365102760 b, nicknamed Phoenix for its ability to survive a red giant star’s intense radiation from up…

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