

Revolutionizing Our View of Earth’s Subterranean Mysteries

Researchers at The University of Texas have developed a technique called deformation imaging that uses surface mapping data to view…

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Iceland’s Volcanic Eruptions May Last Decades – Possibly Centuries

Volcanologists and geochemists getting ready to sample lava during the July 2023 Fagradalsfjall eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula of Iceland.…

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A Major Earthquake Caused One of the Largest Rivers on Earth To Abruptly Change Course – Could It Happen Again?

A recent study has uncovered that a major earthquake around 2,500 years ago significantly rerouted the Ganges River in Bangladesh,…

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Iceland’s Eruptions May Last Decades

The 2024 Sundhnúkur eruption – main cone. Credit: L. Krmíček Researchers predict recurring volcanic eruptions in Iceland due to the…

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Volcano-Monitoring Gyroscope Unlocks Seismic Secrets

A new fiber optic gyroscope developed for the volcanic Campi Flegrei region in Naples has shown potential in improving earthquake…

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MIT Uncovers Weather’s Role in Triggering “Earthquake Swarms”

A new study from MIT shows that heavy snowfall and rain may trigger earthquakes by affecting underground pressures, offering fresh…

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Groundbreaking New Technique Unveils Early Earthquake Signs

A new study highlights the potential of satellites in detecting early indicators of earthquakes through anomalies in the ground, atmosphere,…

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Geometry as the Groundbreaking Predictor of Earthquakes

Researchers at Brown University have discovered that the geometry of fault networks, rather than just the friction at fault lines,…

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