American Chemical Society


How Long “Biodegradable” Straws Last in Ocean Waters

After 16 weeks in seawater, bioplastic straws made of foam (shown here) broke down at least twice as fast as…

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Harvesting Drinking Water From Air With Innovative Absorbent Fins

A simple, compact system first collects moisture from the air (left) and then releases the trapped liquid (right) when heated,…

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Common Household Cleaning Product Found To Release Trillions of Microplastic Fibers

Research reveals that melamine sponges, commonly used for cleaning, release over a trillion microplastic fibers globally each month due to…

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Ancient Predator Offers New Hope for Kidney Patients

Researchers have discovered that the venom of the Chinese red-headed centipede contains alkaloids that may reduce inflammation and renal fibrosis,…

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Transforming Waste Chicken Fat into Clean Energy

In a recent study, scientists have successfully converted chicken fat into electrodes for supercapacitors, offering a sustainable alternative to conventional…

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Why Is an Espresso So Good? Food Chemists Unravel Hidden Dynamics of Milk in Coffee

Recent research shows that the visual spectacle of milk swirling in coffee does not affect the molecular structure of milk…

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Hazards in Your Chocolate? New Study Reveals Potential Risks

Chemistry is key to chocolate’s flavor, but some molecules, like genotoxic furan-2(5H)-one, can pose health risks if present in high…

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