Shanghai and Beijing aim to become global players in brain computer interface industry

The technology enables direct communication between the brain and external devices through neuroengineering and it could help treat conditions such as blindness and paralysis among other applications.
Shanghai is seeking to achieve self-sufficiency in the core sectors of the industry chain and position itself as a “global innovation hub for BCI [brain computer interface] products” in five years’ time, according to a detailed plan for 2025-30 released by the city government on Friday.
The previous day the Beijing city authorities issued a similar plan for the same period to achieve “global influence and competitiveness”.
China has been accelerating its investment in the area and other emerging sectors as it pursues more tech-driven growth amid an economic slowdown and containment from the West.
BCI is a key focus of global technological competition and, apart from its use in healthcare, has the potential to be used in other areas such as education and entertainment.
Shanghai’s science and technology commission described it as one of the “disruptive technologies” and said the city should aim to “seize opportunities and nurture future industries” through the latest plan.
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