When Will the Internet Issue in Pakistan Be Resolved? PTA Responds

The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) responded to growing complaints about slow internet services across the country. During a Senate Standing Committee on Information Technology meeting, chaired by Palwasha Khan, concerns raised by members, including Senator Afnanullah and Senator Humayun.
They highlighted the impact of sluggish internet speeds, particularly on e-commerce platforms, which have been leaving Pakistan due to these issues. Senator Afnanullah pointed out that users are struggling to upload and download media files on WhatsApp, while Senator Humayun criticized the PTA and IT Ministry for hindering business activities.
In response, the IT Secretary clarified that the slow internet issue is related to cellular networks, not Wi-Fi services. However, PTA officials claimed they had not received any formal complaints regarding slow internet speeds. The meeting also touched on the installation of firewalls across Internet Service Providers (ISPs), a move aimed at controlling social media after the Punjab government passed the Defamation Law 2024. The firewall, equipped with deep packet inspection (DPI) technology, will monitor internet traffic and data to enhance control over online content.
The discussion about firewalls meant to detailed during the meeting, but the agenda postponed due to the absence of relevant PTA officials. As concerns over internet speed and regulation grow, the situation remains tense as both users and businesses continue to affected.
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