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Traffic Plan and Regulations in Pakistan

The City Traffic Police (CTP) Rawalpindi revealed a detailed traffic plan to ensure the smooth flow and security of processions during Muharram-ul-Harram. This plan includes several measures aimed at maintaining order and safety for everyone involved.

Chief Traffic Officer Taimoor Khan announced that over 900 traffic wardens, supervised by inspectors and Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSPs), will be on duty to manage traffic throughout the city. To prevent any disruptions, there will be a strict ban on parking vehicles or pushcarts along the routes of the processions.

In addition to managing traffic, the CTP will crack down on vehicles with tinted windows, revolving lights, or improper and fake number plates. Special teams with forklifts will be present to clear any vehicles that obstruct the processions.

Wardens have instructed to clear all types of encroachments from the procession routes and to keep an eye out for any suspicious activities or objects. To further ensure safety, entry points for vehicles on procession routes will blocked with barricades and other barriers. Traffic Police officers will work closely with district police to safeguard the mourners.

Strict disciplinary measures will enforced against any officials failing to perform their duties effectively. Traffic flow will diverted to alternative routes to minimize disruptions during the processions.

A dedicated control room will set up at Traffic Headquarters to monitor the situation in real-time. Motorists needing assistance can reach out via the CTP helpline at 051-9272616 for support.

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