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Hot and Humid Conditions Prevail

The weather in Karachi remains hot and humid, with the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) forecasting similar conditions for the next 24 hours. Despite the cloudy skies, there is no chance of rain this week.

Current Weather Conditions:

  • Temperature: 35°C to 36°C
  • Humidity: 58%
  • Sea Breeze: 18 kilometers per hour

Karachi Weather Update Today

The PMD predicts that Karachi will experience partly cloudy weather, with a chance of rain next week. The past 24 hours saw the minimum temperature recorded at 31°C, making the first night of July the hottest since 2021.

July Temperature Trends

The PMD forecasts normal temperatures in July to remain around 27.9°C. However, pre-monsoon rains have already begun in parts of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces, with some areas of Sindh expected to receive rain today or tomorrow.

Stay updated with Karachi’s weather as hot and humid conditions persist. Keep an eye on PMD forecasts for potential rainfall next week. Stay cool and hydrated in this heat!

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