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Muslim schools caught up in France’s fight against Islamism – World

Last year, Sihame Denguir enrolled her teenage son and daughter in France’s largest Muslim private school, in the northern city of Lille some 200 kilometres from their middle-class suburban Parisian home.

The move meant financial sacrifices. Denguir, 41, now pays fees at the partially state-subsidised Averroes school and rents a flat in Lille for her children and their grandmother, who moved to care for them.

But Averroes’ academic record, among the best in France, was a powerful draw.

So she was dumbstruck in December when the school lost government funding worth around two million euros a year on grounds it failed to comply with secular principles enshrined in France’s national education guidelines.

“The high school has done so well,” Denguir told Reuters in a park near her home in Cergy, calling Averroes open-minded.

“It should be valued. It should be held up as an example.”

President Emmanuel Macron has undertaken a crackdown on what he calls Islamist separatism and radical Islam in France following deadly attacks in recent years by foreign and homegrown militants.

Macron is under pressure from the far-right Rassemblement National (RN), which holds a wide lead over his party ahead of European elections this week.

The crackdown seeks to limit foreign influence over Muslim institutions in France and tackle what Macron has said is a long-term alleged Islamist plan to take control of the French Republic.

Macron denies stigmatising Muslims and says Islam has a place in French society.

However, rights and Muslim groups say that by targeting schools like Averroes, the government is impinging on religious freedom, making it harder for Muslims to express their identity.

Four parents and three academics Reuters spoke to for this story said the campaign risks being counterproductive, alienating Muslims who want their children to succeed within the French system, including at high-performing mainstream schools such as Averroes.

Thomas Misita, 42, father of three daughters attending Averroes, said he was taught at school that France’s principles included equality, fraternity and freedom of religion.

“I feel betrayed. I feel singled out, smeared, slandered,” Misita said.

“I feel 100 per cent French, but it creates a divide. A small divide with your own country.”

The school’s long-term survival is now in question.

Despite raising about 1m euros in donations from individuals, enrolment for next year has dropped to about 500 students, from 800, headmaster Eric Dufour told Reuters in May.

Macron’s office referred a request for comment to the interior ministry, which did not respond. The education ministry said it did not differentiate between schools of different faiths in applying the law.

The ministry said despite academic success, Averroes had failings, citing “administrative and budgetary management” and a lack of transparency.

The school is in a legal battle to overturn the decision.

Headmaster Eric Dufour told Reuters that the school had given the state “all the guarantees” to show that it respected funding terms and French values.

“We are the most inspected school in France,” he said.

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