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PEMRA Bans TV Channels from Using Police and Army Uniforms in Comedy Shows

The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has introduced a new restriction on TV channels. According to a recent notification issued by PEMRA, all satellite channels are now prohibited from using the uniforms of state institutions in satirical and comedy programs. This ban, effective from August 1, 2024, applies to the uniforms of police, Pakistan Armed Forces, and other security agencies.

PEMRA has already dispatched notices to TV channels, instructing them to cease the use of state institution uniforms in their comedy and other programs immediately. This decision aims to maintain the respect and dignity of state institutions, ensuring they are not portrayed in a manner that could undermine their authority.

The notification has created a buzz in the media industry, as TV channels must now comply with this new regulation. The enforcement of this rule is part of PEMRA’s ongoing efforts to regulate content and ensure it aligns with national values and ethics.

As TV channels adjust to this change, it remains to be seen how the new restriction will impact the production of comedy and satirical shows. For more updates on PEMRA regulations and their implications for TV channels, stay tuned.

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